Chris Hayzel

Chris Hayzel is a multi-media artist based in Nashville, Tennessee. Raised in a musical, multiracial family, Chris spent his childhood steeped in different musical cultures that covered the sonic gamut. From Soul and R&B Classics like Stevie Wonder and the Temptations, to Rock Pioneers like Led Zeppelin and The Who, to the flamenco guitars of The Gipsy Kings, his musical tastes were shaped by the diversity in which he grew up.

Chris has spent his life playing music, and has been fortunate enough to perform around the globe and share the stage with some of the most incredible, and expressive artists out there. Each one of these people and all of these experiences have served to deepen his curiosity about the world, and in turn, encourage him to pass that curiosity on to his listeners through his own expression.

Using music as a discovery process, Chris paints a diverse musical landscape in which there are very few absolutes, and offers up his own innermost thoughts and experiences, however abstract they may be, to highlight the similarities between all of us. His lyrics beckon listeners to dig deeper and highlight an expression who’s core tenets revolve around the exploration of truth, vulnerability, and the full spectrum of the human experience, seeking to spread the message that it's okay to be imperfect.

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